Monday, October 8, 2007

Beach to Mountains

We have had a very active fall this year. A few weekends ago we went to the beach with Andy's family. The next weekend we were off to Linville, NC for a wedding. This little one will have well documented travels!

First a few pictures from the beach...

And here are a few pictures from the mountains...


Hi everyone...

I am sorry for the terrible formatting of these blogs! I want to keep folks posted...but Oh my goodness, it drives me crazy sometimes! I work to make them look just right, then post them and the formatting is all off... Drives me nuts! So, I am trying to just not look at the posts for too long to avoid frustration! Anywho... Just had to get that out there! I love things like this to look beautiful, so am always sad to see when it doesn't look how I would like for it to. :)

That's all!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Growing Belly!

Here is a chronicle of my growing belly...

Here I am at 12 weeks.

Here I am at 16 weeks...moving into the prego jeans

Me at 19 weeks:

The actual belly at 19 weeks.

Me at 22 weeks...over 1/2 way there!

Belly close up at 22 weeks!

I could only hope that the belly will shrink as quickly and reliably as it has grown! We are getting really excited about meeting the newest Schmidt!