Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Playin with Pops...

The other night Evan and Andy had some bonding time.
It started with a serious investigation of Daddy's face.

Then Evan needed to get nice and close!
I'm so excited I had the camera handy for this.

Finally it was scooch over dad time.
I'm pretty sure this little play time ended with Evan
wanting to take a good taste of Andy's face.
So fun to see my boys getting to know each other!

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Just wanted to say...

Just wanted to say, "happy Monday".
Hope its a good day for everyone.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Beach Part 3

Alright this is the final beach post. We had such a fun time being with family
and getting to do life in a new location. :) Our beach series simply would not
be complete without the sandy toes picture.
I love to hold him up like this! Sometimes I get a loud squeal of delight.
I think he had fun too.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beach Part Deux

We also spent some time on the beach.
Here are some pictures from our last day saying goodbye to the ocean.

Here's Evan with cutie pie Auntie Em.
I imagine he is thinking, "what is that sound behind me?"

Really wishing I had fixed my hair...but it was vacation...

The siblings.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beach Trip Part 1

I've been stalling on posting pictures from the beach simply because
I don't know where to begin. So, I'm breaking it into parts.
This is part 1. Part 1 is that we had so much fun inside the condo.
We had a great ocean view so lots of time was spent just relaxing
inside and watching the waves.
Here's a few indoor shots.

Reading with Grandma and Grandpa:

Watching the British Open with Grandpa.
I imagine Evan thinking, "this is my grandpa" in this picture:

Playing with his awesome new toy!

Hanging out with Auntie Em. He just loved to admire his Auntie.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Batman Returns

Please Excuse our absence! We headed to the beach last week and I will be sure to fill you in with pictures and stories... For now... back to the bat. So Andy (Batman) returned from work on Friday and met our newest resident through the window. He noticed around 6 or so he was crawling around in there... ugh... So Andy's grand plan was to wait until he went out to get some bugs for dinner and then shut the window. Leave it to Andy to come up with a simple and efficient plan. Sure enough, that is what happened... about an hour later he (the bat) went out for dinner and Andy sprayed the wasps who were building a nest in between the windows...then shut the window. Problem solved. How can I spend so much time cleaning and terrifying creatures are living in our windows?? Go Andy!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Discovery Channel

I have always been a bit of a nature lover.
I enjoy a good hike, or swimming in a lake,
and usually animals.
However, this morning I had an encounter with wildlife
that was less than enjoyable.
I had just put Evan down for his morning nap and was
walking past the upstairs bathroom...
all normal enough.
But today in the corner of the window
I saw something large and dark.
bad combo...
I walked very timidly up to the large dark thing
and was relieved to find that this creature was
separated from me and my home by a sturdy pane of glass...
Still, I nervously crept up to get a closer look...
Here is what I saw... Prepare yourself!

A BAT! a. bat. a bat a bat a BAT!
In our house we have two sets of windows
an inner window and outer window.
I have no idea why the outside window
was open a crack at the top.
I suppose he crept in last night
(oh I hope it was just last night!)
to find a dry place to sleep.
But gross... this bat is waaay to close to my house.
Andy will have the treat of dealing
with this when he gets home.
I'm sure I will help by yelping
and repeatedly muttering "oh gross".
Seriously, look at him. Gross.

I will keep you posted. Gross gross gross gross…
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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fun and Friends on the Fourth

We had a fun fourth with friends cooking out at our house.
I wish I had gotten a few more pictures, but here's what I did capture
from that evening.

The Fuds:


And two out of three Wrays (sorry Dan!):
Look at this sweet guy with his fun mama taking a swing in the hammock.

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One more helping...

Here are more favorite shots from earlier this week.

I adore these little fists.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

100 yesterdays

If I could order days off of a menu, I would order 100 yesterdays.
It was a perfect day... mild temperatures and no humidity.
We began and ended our day with a walk around the neighborhood.
The middle of our day was spent like this:

99 more please!
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