Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chuckelsbury Schmidt

If this face doesn't cheer you right up in the morning...
I'm not sure what will.

This is Sam enjoying our breakfast picnic.
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Mountains I

This weekend we had a little family mountain weekend.
We found a gem of a house in Banner Elk. We wound up
Grandfather Mountain (I think) up up up,
then we rounded a curve to see a split rail fence,
these beautiful little cabins nestled into their own lots,
and a lovely meadow right in the middle of all the land.

Here is our first morning waking up at the cabin.
Here was our view!

And a few more pictures from our picnic breakfast.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

At the breakfast table...

E: "Do you like eels?"
Me: "sort of..."
E: "do you like ouchies?"
me: "no"
me: "do you like ouchies?"
E: (excited for the opportunity to shock) "yes!"
E: "do you like hippopotomuses?"
me: "yes"
E: "do you like breakfast?"
me: "yes"
Sam: "dada da dadadada"
E: "do you like little babies?"
me: "yes!"
E: "do you want to watch clifford together?"
me: "YES!"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

from the backseat... part II

This is what Evan was asking me from the backseat
yesterday on the way home from school:
Evan: "do you like...spiders!?"
me: "um, not really"
E: "Do you like birds?"
E: "do you like wildebeests"
me: "um, yes, they are interesting"
E: "do you like garbage?"
me: "no"
E: "do you like fingerprints?"
me: "um, they are interesting."
E: "do you like mailboxes?"
me: "sure"
E: "do you like wasps?"
me: "no. not at all"
E: "whyyy nooot?"
me: "because they might sting me"
E: "do you like garbage?"

Monday, September 13, 2010


I love these two.
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Thursday, September 9, 2010

First bath...

In the big tub that is!
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from the backseat...

As we were leaving from school this afternoon Evan
was having the following conversation with himself.

Evan: "Don't worry Evan"
Evan: "NO! I want to worry"