Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Good Stuff

Here is a bit of the good stuff I get to see every day.
These are about a month old...but I can't not share these.

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Hither and Yon

Please excuse my absence. (formal huh?)
We've been to Birmingham, Chattanooga and back.

Our trip was worthwhile as we got to build more
sweet memories with family and friends.

But alas, Evan shows it best here...we were tuckered out!
(note: my granddaddy's nickname since his boyhood years
is "sleepy" Evan and I come by it honestly!)
I love sleepy Evan falling asleep on Sleepy.
Okay, I have to admit, I felt like a total rock star here.
Nothing draws in young fans like the wheels on the bus...
even if you are singing the tune just a bit off!
I love these littles! They are my sweet friends...wish I got
to see them and their mom and dad more often!
Hi Sam.
The little ducklings in action. Love this pair!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010


Minutes after the "meadow meltdown" the opportunity
for great photos arose again.
This time a wiser mama just snapped with her mouth shut!

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Friday, October 1, 2010


So there we were, having a great morning walk past the meadow.
I saw the potential for a great picture!
A boy and his dog playing in the meadow...ahhh, classic!

But at two and a half, sometimes the mere mention of a picture
can have the following results.
See below.

Classic. Just in a different way.
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