Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mama's got guns...

Today Evan and I went for his four month check up at the doctors office. Andy and I have been dying to find out how tall and heavy Evan is. We resist measuring him ourselves b/c it is such fun to find out... Well... turns out I've been carrying around a little sack o' taters...

At two months Evan was 23 inches and 13 lbs 14 oz. At four months he is 26.5 inches and 18 lbs and 3 oz! He also got 4 shots today, which is not fun, but I am so relieved it is over. He cried for just a minute and then was calm again... so glad that is finished.

Will post some pictures again soon!


ejm said...

18 lbs!?!? Charlie was almost a year before he weighed that much! :)

Hit him hard with the Tylenol. In my experience, these were the worst round of shots! :(

Wray's said...

go evan! who would have guessed?! you win the award for the most in shape toned up arms!

Nicole said...

oh my goodness --he is a big boy! are you going to take pictures of your guns?