Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Simple Pleasures

I was on a walk this morning, and was thinking about lots of simple little things that I love. My high school mentor Tricia I think had a big part in developing in me a "joie de vivre". She is so whimsical and always would talk about the small things that she enjoys every day. So in a tribute to my whimsey friend, here are a few of the things I thought of...
-the afternoon sunbeams shining through our trees in the backyard
-when Gus curls up next to me and grunts as I pet him
-rain at night
-tan arms
-morning tea in the winter
-a great pen
-my specially crafted journals with the manila blank pages
-frothy bubble baths
-red wine
-coffee shops with friends
-reading a great book
-taking a great picture
-being really organized with school work
-when the laundry is put away...not so much putting it away, but when it is done!
-fresh cut flowers

I could go on and on...