Saturday, August 9, 2008

New toy!

So we had an exciting new appliance purchase this week!!..…unfortunately, it wasn’t something that I was actually looking forward to. Nope, not a flatscreen TV, not a Wii, not even a new coffee maker. This was more of the “we have a crisis” sort of purchase.

I was at a work dinner on Monday night at a pretty nice place, and was feeling good about the seafood trio I had just ordered. Then, Ginny calls me 3 times in a row, back-to-back – which I knew was a problem since the first call I thought, “geez, she knows I’m at dinner”, and the second call I thought, “OK she just didn’t leave a voicemail the first time”, but then the third got my attention. 3 in a row basically is the equivalent of marriage 911. So I stepped away from the table, walked to the front of the restaurant, and answered…to which Ginny quickly informed me that we had a “flood under the house.” My response was first to burst into an uncontrollable sweat, and then to ask, “what do you mean a flood?!?” To which Ginny responded, quite logically, “I mean a FLOOD…there is water pouring out of the crawl space door!!”

Just what you want to hear, especially when you’re at a dinner like this. Ginny got the main water shutoff closed, and then after probably .0001 seconds of trying to rationalize how I could call a plumber and stay at the dinner, and then let Ginny feed Evan, put him to bed, handle the plumber, AND make a decision about what to do (OK maybe it took more like 2 minutes), I told the table I had to jet…and then walked at high speed about 5 blocks to my car. When it’s 95 degrees outside, and you are already sweating, I had another flood on my hands by the time I got to my car.

Anyway, it went pretty well from there – Ginny arranged the emergency plumber so that when I got home, all I had to do was to figure out that the hot water heater had busted, and then I met the plumber and got everything squared away to get it all replaced the next day. The old hot water heater was pretty old, so not only did we need a new heater, we needed a bunch of work done to get it up to code. So the next day, I had an awesome cold shower in the morning and then we had a plumber, an electrician, and a junk-haul-away guy at the house, and by the afternoon we had hot water again.

And that’s how we got our sweet new appliance – owning a home is fun! Here’s the new machine…good times!

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Anonymous said...

Very funny write-up, Andy. I know the story from Ginny's perspective is much more stressful and panic-stricken!!

gs said...

me... panic stricken? no. couldn't be. :)