Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Audacity of Hope

I'm a bit late in posting this. It was inauguration day
when all of this happened... thus the inspiration
for the title.

Now if this doesn't show that anything is possible,
I'm not sure what does.

I was watching the inaugural speech and heard
Evan talking... looked over to find this!
I raced to get my camera and then thought to
myself, now this is hope I can believe in.

We are moving towards a loving relationship
one day at a time...

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ejm said...

Cute! Is Gus not an Evan fan?

Anonymous said...

Aww! That's just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just posted a video on my blog of Owen & Evan playing peek-a-boo. You and I are probably the only ones that will truly appreciate it! :) Don't we have the cutest kids?? (Yes, I have totally become THAT mom. I've embraced it.)