Friday, April 24, 2009

Miss Jenna

We have a fun new game around here...
Evan wearing Daddy's hat. That is the whole game.
Since this is usually the view I have of Evan...
him running to find the next adventure,
I thought it appropriate that it be the first picture
in this series. There he goes again...
Talking to our visitor...
Our visitor... Miss Jenna.
Jenna is one of my high school girls...
now all seniors (?!?) and she is a
HUGE hit around here.
You can see why. Very fun.
Here is Evan sharing his new game with her.
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Nicole said...

So even though I've only spent a few days with him, I feel like those pictures capture him perfectly...on the go, into something, and super happy about it. Love that little man!

gs said...

You got it!