Saturday, January 23, 2010

First family photo...

Not how I pictured it in my head...
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andrea said...

Oh gosh. We can try that again when we come over tomorrow.

Nicole said...

My thoughts:
1. This is so classic. I love it!
2. Were you two going out? You look so nice.
3. Sam looks like such a little man.

gs said...

Nicole, yes totally classic. Evan just wasn't that into taking a picture...Evanstyle! Yes, we went to grab a quick dinner at chili's... I had JUST taken off my protective layering of a purple maternity shirt...and sweat pants! Sam is totally a little man!

AV said...

I just have to laugh, Ginny. I still feel that way when we try to take a family picture. Consider yourself very lucky that Evan was willing to be in the photo at all!!! It has taken Nathan a solid year to decide he likes Mark after all. :)